


In the begining of march my mom called asking if I would like to go to meet them in California over James's spring break. Um. . .  YES!!!  It was a great trip. I LOVED hanging out with my family (especially Lily) and being at the beach (even though it could have been warmer).
@the airport way early
Lily loves the sand

Morning Run

mmm in-n-out

our condo

Lily was a very helpful cart-pusher at Trader Joes. 

On the beach in several towels and a sweatshirt:

Lily LOVED standing on the surf board! We had to leave so I picked her up and she immediately started crying and twisting around reaching for the surf board.

This was BY FAR my favorite part of the trip. Bike ride with Lily on the beach. At first she was really scared of the man at the bike shop and we didn't think it was going to work out but once we got her in the seat (and once she realized she got to wear a helmet) she was all over the idea. 
We heard some sea lions on rocks by the beach and I said "Lily, hear the sea lions?" and I heard her say "raaaar". I guess she's only learned about one kind of lion.
When we went over bumps I heard her humming so she could hear her voice move up and down so I started doing it and she was laughing so hard. We took turns doing that for a while. (I know what I'm getting Lily for Christmas!)

Afghan Food
When Lily woke up in the mornings my mom and I would race to get her first.

Obsessed with Lily's H&M bear hoodie.

Ben and Daniel drove down from L.A. So glad I got to see them!

Nan surfing in the cold

Maybe I should have titled this post "Lily" instead of California. 

1 comment:

  1. It is going to break Lily's heart when you have your own kids, and you divide your adoration!

    Thanks to dad for providing this trip for us, in spite of having to stay home and work. Dad is the best!

    Glad I made it into at least one picture of the trip xoxoxo
